Using Speed data with Lambert Chu

Using Speed data with Lambert Chu

Follow Lambert on twitter @LambertChu_

In this episode we are talking Speed and race times with Lambert Chu, a data scientist for Lucky Trader Company and

Lambert has great insight into what speed data is useful and how to best interpret the data on Know Your Horses. With the removal of odds imminent, it is time to brush up on speed.

02:22 Why flames are not lame
04:42 How speed and time work in the Zed universe
09:35 Extremely fast and slow run times matter
10:03 Sample size matter
12:24 What sample size is required with speed data?
16:20 Does speeds matter outside of the first place horse?
17:45 The current relationship between speed and odds
19:10 The core ability + variance ability theory
20:49 What determines a horse’s class?
22:42 The skill of down classing and counter playing sandbaggers
23:56 Standard deviation basics
25:07 Correlation between odds and standard deviation / The SD tool on KYH
32:22 Plans for an "area under the curve" metric to give generally probability of placing
36:05 How good of a replacement can flames + speed be for odds?
38:05 Flame data on KYH