The Best Community Zed Sites ( At The Moment )

Zed Run has without a doubt, one of the best communities within the NFT space – No question.

There are tonnes of content creators and smart coders ( I like to call them Wizards) that have been creating extremely helpful sites, but recently they’ve started getting better and better.

So I’d like to show you some of my personal favourites.

This list is in no particular order:

1. Know Your Horses (KYH)

Know Your Horses has been around a while now and it’s definitely one of the finest community ran sites going.

It’s the most complete site, you can find everything on here. It’s great for detailed breakdowns on your horses, whether you want to compare speed charts or check out your profit/loss across your stable it’s all here.

As you can see in the screenshot below, it provides a lot of data, with even more to explore in the menus on the left hand side.

They also feature a google chrome extension which is definitely worth looking at, it massively upgrades the Zed Run website UI to provide more information on your horses.

2. Hawku

Hawku has one of the cleanest UIs across all of Zeds community sites in my opinion. It’s a personal favourite of mine when checking Listings + horses on the Stud Market.

Whilst it doesn’t provide the in-depth details KYH does, it has a cleaner user experience. It packs a lot of information onto the screen and it’s easy to analyse at speed, which can make all the difference when you’re looking to find a good horse for cheap.

Simply click “Quick View” under the horse to analyse the horse in more detail without having to leave the listings. A great feature to the site.

3. StackedNaks

StackedNaks is a new addition to the community and honestly, it’s quickly becoming a favourite of mine. It doesn’t try and do everything like KYH, but it focuses specifically on your horses Race Times + Speed.

Two things, until recently I’d never seriously looked at. Now odds are removed from the game and we’re dependant on flames, we need all the data we can get to improve our chances of winning.

Analysing this data for your stable can significantly improve your stables Win % in my opinion.

4. Zombie Racing Tournaments

Zombie Racing has been an established stable within the Zed Run ecosystem since April, 2021.

The Zombie Racing Club is responsible for creating the first seasonal tournaments within the community. The tournaments can now be found even being hosted live on the Zed Run website.

Season One was an overwhelming success with over $100,000 in prize winnings. I’ve had discussions with Joe from ZRC and know that Season Two is going to be even bigger and better.

6. MJ Informatics

MJinformatics is possibly the most data-heavy website of them all. MJ delivers a plethora of tools to help you extrapolate as much profit from your horses as possible if used correctly.

7. Zed Racer

Zed Racer is one of the newer sites to the community, despite that it’s already one of my personal favourites.

The improvements I’ve seen on this site in the last few weeks leads me to think this site has a lot of promise and is one to watch for the future.