Budget Stable Episode 001 – ZedRun stable with only $500

Budget Stable Episode 001 - ZedRun stable with only $500

Alot of bigger stables have put out videos telling everyone how they would build on a budget but none of them have had to do it and suffer the changes of the game. So I decided I would take up the Challenge and start a new stable With only $500 and go thru the process with all the new people

In this series we will break down all the aspect of ZedRun and how to grow

We may not be the biggest stable in the game but here at Hero Krapht all of our success has been bred not purchased. Nothing against being able to buy good horses its just not what are about. We are going to show you how to krapht your own legacy using breeding.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeroKrapht
Discord: Hero Krapht#0103
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herokraphtstables/
Horse Data: https://knowyourhorses.com/blog/an-intro-to-genetic-algorithms-and-zed
Horse Sales: https://www.hawku.com/zed