zed horses for sale

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Zed Horses For Sale

Welcome back to the Tribe! In this post we are going to quickly cover zed horses for sale! We’ll talk about:

  • Platforms to buy horses on
  • State of the market currently
  • What you want to focus on

Nothing should be considered investment or financial advice. Enjoy he ride!

Zed Horses For Sale

If you’ve become a Zed head, then you are going to want to know where to purchase your first horse! The best place to find Zed horses for sale is none other than the Opensea platform!

If you’ve never used Opensea, it is a platform where people can buy, sell, trade, list, and create NFTs! Here is the link you will want to follow to go straight to the official Zed Run page on Opensea to purchase a horse.

The platform is extremely easy to use. The fastest way to start purchasing your own NFTs is to just setup a MetaMask account and connect it to the platform. After that, your NFTs will automatically pop up on the platform for use and your wallet will populate with WEth.

How To Move Funds

If you are looking to start purchasing horses on Opensea, then you are going to want to know how to move funds onto the Polygon network.

We have a great post about just how to do that here!

Although, there is one thing to mention.

There has been a change in how people move Eth from the Ethereum Blockchain to the Polygon network.

The cheapest solution on the market is now the Umbra bridge that can be found here!

In order to bridge your Eth to WEth, you simply need to go to the link above, bridge the amount you want, and it will show up in your Polygon wallet.

State Of The Market

Something also to consider is the current state of the market for Zed.

In the year 2021 alone, the prices of horses have risen and fallen dramatically depending on the state of the game. In the first half of the year, prices of horses shot up way higher than people ever expected. Z1s went from being worth a few Ethereum to worth over 20.

Although, in the second half of the year the prices of horses fluctuated downward. For instance, the Z1s have dropped to almost 10 Ethereum for a bad one and 15 Eth for an unraced one.

In addition to these changes, the price of Ethereum has shot from $2,000 to almost $5,000 at times making horse prices that much more volatile.

The only certainty in the market at the moment is for these kinds of horses:

  • Genesis horses that can consistently race for profit
  • Genesis horses that can consistently breed strong offspring
  • Low Z value genesis horses
  • Horses that can race for profit in C1 consistently
  • Horses that can race for profit in a certain distance brackets (sprinter, mid, marathon) and down class consistently in others staying in a lower class like C3 or C4
  • Unraced and unbred genesis horses

All of these kinds of horses above are retaining their value and should be what you look to buy if you are entering the market.

What To Focus On

Zed Run Horses For Sale

With all of that in mind, you are going to need a way to find those horses.

Most people in the market will either spend a ton of time combing Opensea daily, or use the Hawku website to help with that.

On the Hawku site, you can filter to the kind of horse you are looking for by going to listing. This is a huge help for those looking for racers, or for those looking to find horses that can breed well.

We suggest people use this tool when looking for the right zed horses for sale.

Another great tool to use is the know your horse site. If you use this site, you can easily view a potential purchase’s stats more in depth and get a better feel for their distance preferences and recent race history.

Zed Horses For Sale Post

Thanks for reading our post on Zed horses for sale! We hope this post helps you stay safe on the market, make smart decisions, and not waste your time or money.

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